Water spray bottle

Pressing Needs

In college, I was taught to “stretch” watercolor paper. You would dunk a sheet in the bathtub, then place it on a large board. It would be taped down with brown “postal” tape. Sometimes, you would reenforce this with thumb…

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Paint brushes

On Brushes

Back, once upon a time in college, we were taught how to choose and buy a watercolor brush. It had to be sable. If I remember correctly, it had to be red sable. I think Winsor Newton was a preferred…

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Detail of painting

Take Two

In the last post, I had this idea to paint a shell worn down to a spiral in the sand. I liked it, but wished I had painted the spiral larger. I was still not getting the image that I…

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I had this idea to paint another shell. This time, one eroded in the sand so it was just a spiral. I remembered a shell I had painted before that was silver and orange and wondered if I could use…

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