Sea Turtle
I’ve been looking at ripples in water. They fascinate me. Yes, I love waves, sea foam, reflections but ripples… I was trying to imagine how I could paint them. I went online to Unsplash.com and started looking at reference photos.…
...watercolor, stuff and nonsense
...watercolor, stuff and nonsense
I’ve been looking at ripples in water. They fascinate me. Yes, I love waves, sea foam, reflections but ripples… I was trying to imagine how I could paint them. I went online to Unsplash.com and started looking at reference photos.…
OK, I know this is not a painting of a spider, but I kept looking at it and thinking…”Itsy bitsy spider…” It just turned out that way. I’ve been playing with how to paint ripples and sea foam. It might…
This post is going to be a long one – full of terror and delight. Well, as much as watercolor can be. I haven’t watched a lot of Youtube watercolor tutorials, but I have looked at a few and have…